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Get Involved

Take a stand. Answer the call for equality. Answer the call for civil rights. Join the oldest and boldest civil rights organization in the nation. Join the NAACP Fayetteville North Carolina.



Regular Annual Membership:
Adult - with one-year subscription to Crisis Magazine - $30
Youth (ages up to 21) with Crisis Magazine - $15
Youth (ages up to 21) without Crisis Magazine - $10
Annual Corporate Membership with one-year subscription to Crisis Magazine - $5,000

Life Memberships:
Junior Life (ages 13 and under) - $100 payable in annual installments of $25 or more
Bronze Life (ages 14 to 21) - $400 payable in annual installments of $50 or more
Silver Life, $750 payable in annual installments of $75 or more
Gold Life, $1,500 payable in annual installments of $150 or more
Diamond Life, $2,500 payable in annual installments of $500 or more





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